I am so excited! We moved into a new house with a porch and I have ideas! Yes, ideas and fun holiday inspiration and in general mischief that I want to get into. (Insert evil laughter and Dr. Evil hands here!)

Holloween by far is my favorite holiday. Unlike Christmas or other seasons or holidays, Halloween I feel gives you the most freedom to express yourself. At least that is how I take it lol. One can be silly, scary, outrageous and the normal societal restrictions or taboos are lifted. It also has not helped that I have found a community on Facebook that is all about fun, cheap (sometimes), and easy crafts using DollarTree crafting items. And can I say, I have found (one of my many) peoples!!! To things I love: a good deal AND crafting + Halloween! I am in heaven.

So what to expect over the next few days: A flurry of Halloween crafts that should (in theory lol) not cost a lot of money but look amazing and can be used over and over again. Most (hopefully) will be toddler proof.  As this blog is still new, I have to introduce the family and of course the kids but more specifically the beasties AKA the twins Sofia and Lucia. We will tough up on that later but for now, know that most of my crafts and time are restricted by them. My goal will be to post/document one project a week + daily shenanigans I get into.