Let's get into some mischief!

If you like to design, paint, craft, Cricut, use power tools, and more then you are in the right place. 

Thank you for stopping by! I am an eclectic person and if you want to play with crafts, power tools, makeup, talk about family and work then pull up a seat and let get into some mischief. Why do I say mischief? Because I LOVE exploring and learning new things that can lead me down some very silly roads. And with that, my poor husband Bran and our children (like true partners in crime), end up going down the rabbit hole with me. Feel free to explore the site and follow me on social media to see what I'm up to

The Crafty Side

Let's get crafty! Halloween is around the corner and I promise you I am whipping up a storm!

Professional Side

Recruiters and businesses, looking for some new talent? Lets chat.

Keeping up with mischief!